Dados no DNA das empresas: sua revitalização com ciência de dados
Data Governance, Data Culture, Big DataAbstract
In the digital era, established companies, many with decades of history, face the challenge of adapting to the rapid evolution of the market, with the adoption of a data culture being an imperative necessity. This study, which is supported by a narrative review of the literature on the topic in question, corresponds to an analysis of the transformation necessary to build, in these companies, an effective data culture, which not only facilitates evidence-based decision making, but also redefine the paradigms of growth and success in the 21st century. In the aforementioned analysis process, the barriers that exist in the adoption of a data culture in organizations with a long history and possible strategies to overcome them were examined. Special focus was given to certain issues, such as organizational resistance to change, the need for cultural alignment and training of employees in data-related skills. In addition to technical challenges, resistance to change and the gap in employees' analytical skills were found to constitute significant obstacles. It was revealed that overcoming these challenges requires awareness and training in data literacy, the reformulation of organizational processes and the implementation of enabling technologies. The incorporation of a data culture represents more than a strategic change, it is a prerequisite for survival and prosperity in an increasingly data-driven market. The commitment to education and development of employees' skills in data analysis, combined with leadership that prioritizes data governance, is fundamental to transforming data into actionable insights, thus ensuring a sustainable competitive advantage.References
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