Inteligência Artificial, Algoritmos Genéticos, Dieta alimentar, ScilabAbstract
The present study refers to the use of genetic algorithms in the development of a program aimed at the realization of calculations for the optimization of diet costs, seeking to present the best balance of food in accordance with the amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates previously suggested. A balanced diet is one of two main factors related to the construction of good health and the prevention of diseases. Based on the information on the foods used, a nutrition plan was developed from a food plan recommended to a patient by a nutritionist. From the data of the referred food plan, the initial composition of food was elaborated, which was organized in a Calculation Plan. For the development of the genetic algorithm, you will use Scilab scientific software, which is similar to another widely used software, Matlab. When running the program, a list of foods will appear on the Scilab Console, coming from the imported plan, so that the user can choose the foods that will be included in the meal, according to their needs. After the food selection and the user's choices, the program starts the calculation process using a Genetic Algorithm (AG). After the video of the execution of the program, the results of the calculations are shown in the Scilab Console. The outputs correspond to the best individuals generated by AG, based on the calculations performed in each generation.References
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