Solar energy, Dirt on solar panels, Cleaning of PV systems, PV cellsAbstract
Solar energy, coming from the sun, is seen as a viable solution, although dirt on solar panels can affect their efficiency. The presented project proposes an automated prototype for the efficient cleaning of these plates. The study analyzes two residential photovoltaic systems and proposes a cleaning prototype that uses rotating roller movements, water and neutral detergent. The results show that dirt can reduce energy production by up to 25%. The implemented cleaning system consists of a mechanical structure, electrical components, and logic controlled by Arduino. Data analysis reveals that dirt significantly impacts the performance of photovoltaic systems. A system in the city of Uberaba MG, during roof renovation, had an initial production of 2.6 kWh, increasing 121% after cleaning. A second system in the city of Conceição das Alagoas MG, affected by drought and dust, showed an increase in electricity generation after cleaning and rain. The conclusion highlights the importance of regular cleaning of solar panels, evidenced by increases in production after removing dirt. These results reinforce the need for effective solutions for the maintenance of photovoltaic systems, contributing to the sustainability of solar energy.
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