School inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): UDL contributions to overcoming segregation at school


  • Elizabete Cristina Costa-Renders Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS, Brasil
  • Maria Carolina França Ribeiro Colégio Santo Américo - CSA, Brasil
  • Cristiane Nunes de Oliveira Sousa Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS, Brasil



school inclusion, ASD, universal design for learning


This article assumes the equalization of educational opportunities demanded by the inclusion paradigm. Based on the partial results of two master's researches in education whose focus is inclusive education, it aims to present an integrative review on the processes of school inclusion of students with ASD, putting teaching for all and UDL in perspective. On the one hand, the results have pointed to the important presence of the medical model of disability in school units, something reported both by scholars on the subject and by the report of a literacy teacher who works in a classroom where there are students with and without ASD. On the other hand, the integrative review also showed the relevance of the UDL principles when seeking to overcome the segregation and exclusion of students with ASD.

Author Biographies

Elizabete Cristina Costa-Renders, Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS, Brasil

Postdoctoral Researcher (2015) and PhD in Education (2012) in the area of Teaching and Cultural Practices from UNICAMP, with research focused on inclusive and equitable education. Permanent Professor in the Graduate Program in Education at the Municipal University of São Caetano do Sul (2017-present). Leader of the ACESSI research group (School Accessibility and Social Inclusion) and member of the steering group for INCLUDE, an international research collaboration network on Universal Design for Learning. Coordinator of the Laboratory of Inclusive Educational Practices at USCS. Her research highlights themes such as inclusive education, universal design for learning, emerging epistemologies, teacher training, special education in the inclusive perspective, and inclusive university.

Maria Carolina França Ribeiro, Colégio Santo Américo - CSA, Brasil

Master's degree in Education from Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (2020-2022), with specializations in Psychology and Education from Universidade Paulista (2019), in Psychopedagogy from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (2019), and in Early Childhood Education and Culture as well as Literacy from Centro Universitário Assunção (2019). She is currently pursuing a specialization in Literacy: Teaching and Learning Relationships at Instituto Vera Cruz. Graduated in Pedagogy from Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (2014). Has completed extension courses in Anthroposophy and Waldorf Pedagogy, as well as in Hospital Pedagogy. She teaches the course Literacy: Oral Language, Literature, Drawing, and Writing in the Early Childhood Education Specialization Graduate Program at Centro Universitário Assunção - UNIFAI. She has ten years of experience as an educator in Early Childhood Education and in the Initial Years of Elementary Education.

Cristiane Nunes de Oliveira Sousa, Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS, Brasil

Master's degree in Education from Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul. Graduated in Pedagogy from Centro Universitário Fundação Santo André (2003). Currently works as a specialist teacher in inclusion for the Municipal Government of São Caetano do Sul and as a special education teacher for the State Government of São Paulo. Psychopedagogue at Espaço Ser Crescer. Has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Special Education.


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How to Cite

COSTA-RENDERS, E. C.; RIBEIRO, M. C. F. .; SOUSA, C. N. de O. . School inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD): UDL contributions to overcoming segregation at school. Revista Profissão Docente, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 49, p. 1–20, 2024. DOI: 10.31496/rpd.v24i49.1593. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.