Aspects observed by interns at UniLicungo in the context of the Pedagogical Internship in Mathematics Teaching


  • Geraldo Vernijo Deixa Universidade Licungo – UL, Moçambique
  • Rosalino Subtil Chicote Universidade Rovuma – UR, Moçambique



internship, mathematics teaching, mathematics degree


The aim of this research is to highlight the difficulties observed by interns in the implementation of the Pedagogical Internship in Mathematics Teaching. For this purpose, 11 students from the Mathematics Teaching Degree Program who were attending the Pedagogical Internship in 2021 were interviewed. Based on the qualitative analysis of the data, the results indicate difficulties related to the interns themselves, characterized by a weak connection with knowledge (epistemic component), as well as difficulties related to the implementation of the Internship concerning the intervention of other agents such as tutors, supervisors, and others.

Author Biographies

Geraldo Vernijo Deixa, Universidade Licungo – UL, Moçambique

Doutor em Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática e Professor Associado da Universidade Licungo, Moçambique

Rosalino Subtil Chicote, Universidade Rovuma – UR, Moçambique

Doutorando em Ensino de Ciências e Educação Matemática (UEL-Brasil). Universidade Rovuma – Extensão de Cabo Delgado, Montepuez, Moçambique.


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How to Cite

Deixa, G. V., & Chicote, R. S. (2024). Aspects observed by interns at UniLicungo in the context of the Pedagogical Internship in Mathematics Teaching. Revista Profissão Docente, 24(49), 1–10.

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